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What We Treat

Chiropractic is an effective treatment for:

Neck, Mid Back, and Lower Back Pain


Whiplash Associated Disorder

Hip and Groin Pain

Shoulder, Arm, and Hand Pain

Sporting Injuries

Strains/Sprains/Overuse/Repetitive Injuries

Arthritic Pain

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is a common symptom, affecting a huge proportion of adults, reportedly at least once at some point in their lifetime. A staggering 619 million people suffered from it globally in 2020, and it is projected that this number will rise to 843 million by 2050 (World Health Organization). It is the single leading cause of disability worldwide (World Health Organisation).

Up to 50% of sufferers will have more than one episode, and while it is thought that in some cases symptoms may spontaneously resolve within 6 to 8 weeks, it is common for 1 in 3 people to experience another episode within 12 months of the original (Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust).

Lower Back Pain is not a specific disease, rather it is a symptom that may occur from a variety of different disease processes (that range from ‘acutely inflamed and irritable’, to ‘chronic and/or degenerative’).

‘Lower Back Pain’ and Musculoskeletal Complaints are the third leading cause, only to Stress, Depression and Anxiety, as a cause of lost days at work (HSE STATS UK 2023). An estimated 20 million people in the UK have a MSK condition such as Arthritis or Back Pain (NHS England) and it accounts for 30 million lost days at work (NHS England). Musculoskeletal conditions account for 30% of consultations for visiting the GP, that figure being substantially higher for Chiropractors routinely.

Chiropractors specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the conditions that cause Back Pain (throughout the entire spine). Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation has been recognized as effective in treating Back Pain, by various sources (NICE, JMPT, Cochrane), and has helped many members of your local community to return to work, sport, and their normal day to day activities.

Your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist will be able to determine the cause(s) of your Back Pain and the correct method of treatment(s) for it. Neck Pain is a common symptom which may occur from a variety of different causes. A reported 288.7 million people globally experienced neck pain in 2017, a rise from 164.3 million in 1990 (The British Medical Journal). If the rates of neck pain continue to rise along a similar curve, the rising presence of it and its’ effects will have a colossal impact on future generations. In The UK alone, it is estimated that between 10% to 20% of the population will be suffering from neck pain annually, with the prevalence/likelihood of developing it over a lifetime being between 40% and 70% (National Institute For Health and Care Excellence).

Neck Pain

Neck Pain can be due to a specific Injury (of muscle, ligament, or joint capsule), a mechanical overload/ or repetitive muscular overuse problem, an irritated/compromised nerve caused by damage to one of the ‘intervertebral’ discs, or from arthritis of the joints of the neck. The discomfort felt can range from very mild to severe. Your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist is trained to diagnose the varying causes of Neck Pain and will be able to recommend a suitable treatment programme aimed at addressing it.

Headaches (Migraines and Cervicogenic Headaches)

The causes of Headaches are numerous. It is estimated that 190,000 migraine attacks are experienced every day in England, and 10 million people suffer from migraines in the UK (National Institute For Clinical Excellence). Approximately 3 million workdays are lost every year due to migraine-related absenteeism, costing the economy almost £4.4 billion. Headache is amongst the most common neurological reasons for A&E attendance (NHS England).

Although migraine is a disease with multivariate symptoms that vary by patient, over 75% of migraine patients report associated neck pain, and many note musculoskeletal complaints, such as neck stiffness, muscle tension, or problems with jaw function (SAGE Journal). Episodic tension-type headaches affect 80% of people at some point in their lifetime, and are chronic in up to 3% of the population (British Association for the Study of Headache / BASH).

Chiropractic treatment has been shown to be effective for Migraines and Cervicogenic Headaches (caused by structures of the neck) by various sources (National Institute for Health; Bronfort Report 2010). Your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist is trained to diagnose the various types of headaches and to commence a suitable treatment programme that addresses any and all dysfunctional elements/structures that may be involved. In the cases where conservative treatment is not suitable, an appropriate referral will be made.

Anyone who has suffered either short or long term Headaches knows the crippling affect they may have on one’s quality of life and ability to function day to day. Chiropractic has helped many members of your community find relief from the effects of ‘Headaches’.

Whiplash Associated Disorders

Whiplash Injuries are also known as acceleration/deceleration injuries and are most commonly the result of ‘car accidents’ or Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs). However, a slip/or fall can also give you a Whiplash-type injury. In fact, you do not even have to directly hit your head or neck, a sudden movement, (especially if it is repetitive), may cause an equivalent injury.

In The UK, according to insurance statistics, an estimated 300,000 people present annually with Whiplash Associated Disorder from RTCs. The numbers can of course rise and fall, in 2017-2018 alone there were 650,000 recorded road traffic accidents (RTCs) and around 90% of these involved whiplash injuries (GOV.UK).

The pain from ‘Whiplash’ often doesn't always appear immediately after a trauma; it may be days or weeks later that the it develops. The subsequent muscular stiffness, loss of global range of motion, and overall discomfort can plague sufferers for weeks to years. Research suggest that between 20% to 40% of whiplash patients, go on to develop chronic symptoms (World Health Organisation).There is evidence chiropractic care improves Cervical Range of Motion and Pain in the management of Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD) (Pubmed Systematic Review).

Your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ‘Whiplash’ Associated Disorders, and hence will be able to determine the correct method of treatment for your specific case.

Hip and Groin Pain

Hip Pain can be caused by a Specific Injury, or other MSK Conditions such as Osteoarthritis. In 2019 Hip Osteoarthritis affected approximately 9 million people in the UK. Whether caused by injury, or the progressive nature of osteoarthritic change, hip pain can be mild or completely severe and disabling. An accurate diagnosis and determination of severity informs the correct treatment option (Conservative or Surgical).

A notable portion of pains in the ‘hip’, ‘groin’ or the ‘upper thigh’ can be caused by a mechanical overload of the surrounding tissues, that has been created from a problem elsewhere. This will usually be from the Lower Back/ or Pelvis, but can also be from the Knee or even the Foot (as a biomechanical reaction to current or previous trauma).

‘Biomechanical’ causes of ‘Hip’ pain (Muscular Dysfunction, Referred Pain, Etc) respond well to conservative treatment, while biological (Joint Abnormalities, Severe Osteoarthritis, Etc) do you’re your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that cause Hip and Groin Pain, and hence will be able to determine the correct method of treatment for your specific case when appropriate. They are also able to provide exercises and postural advice which will help to limit the recurrence of the problem.

Shoulder, Arm, and Hand Pain

Shoulder Joints are complex and vulnerable to a variety of injuries/issues. Your pain may be a result of a direct problem with the joint (‘Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis’, A Rotator Cuff Tear, Biceps Strain, AC Joint Sprain Etc) or referred pain from your Neck. Lifetime prevalence of shoulder pain vary widely, but collective research has indicated that up to 67% of people may develop shoulder pain (Hodgets 2021). Your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist will be able to accurately diagnose the cause of your pain (and the underlying condition) and initiate an appropriate course of treatment.

Sporting Injuries

Whether you are an elite athlete, or a "weekend warrior" your body is prone to similar kinds of injuries. Chiropractors often see patients with:

  • Groin Strains (Adductor Muscles)
  • Quadriceps, Hamstring, and Gastrocnemius/Achilles Tendon Strains
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
  • ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL Ligament Sprains
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Neck Pain
  • Mid Back Pain
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Rotator Cuff (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis) Injuries
  • Medial Epicondylitis (Golfers’ elbow)
  • Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow)
  • Tendonitis of various Musculature

Treatment will routinely be followed by a rehabilitation plan to strengthen the injured area, improve your flexibility, and prevent future re-occurrence. Many top sports teams/athletes have a chiropractor as part of their healthcare team.

Repetitive Strain Injuries/Overuse Injuries

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) are caused by performing a ‘repetitive task’ over a prolonged period of time. RSI is commonly associated with the Shoulder, Forearm, and Hand resulting from working for extended periods of time (for example whilst typing at a computer, housework, gardening, and work of a laborious nature). However, RSI can also be associated with other joints in other areas of the body (e.g. a cause of Back Pain).

Chiropractors identify the cause of this condition, advise activity modification to avoid exacerbating and perpetuating the situation, and treat the affected tissues. Office ergonomics are often a very significant causal factor in RSI. We can provide you with advice on how to set up your office space and work environments in order to help to reduce the risk of developing RSI, alternatively, most companies have an in house Occupational Health Assessment Team that should take care of this for you. One of the most affected parts of the population by RSI injuries are office workers. The Trade Union Congress (TUC) reported that 500,000 UK workers experienced RSI in 2023, resulting in a total loss of 5.4 million working days due to sick days. ‘Repetitive Strain’ Injuries are also regarded as a disability in the UK.

Your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist will be able to accurately diagnose the cause(s) of your RSI Condition and initiate an appropriate course of treatment.

Muscular Pain

Muscular Pain can be the result of an injury to the muscle itself, (tear/strain, or rupture), or fatigue. Trigger Points (knots) can form in response to the muscle failing to meet the physical demands placed on it. AT other times, The Tendon (the structure that is the muscular attachment to a bone) becomes strained from a specific injury, or as the result of repetitive overload. Repetitive Strain to Muscle Tissue or Tendon can be caused by poor sitting postures, repetitive motions, and improper lifting. When this happens, usually people don't realize the extent of it, or that when they feel Muscular Pain, the surrounding Joints and Nerves may have also become affected.

Muscular Pain is thought to affect as many as 3 out of 10 adults in the UK (NHS Times). Approximately 1.71 billion people have musculoskeletal conditions worldwide. Musculoskeletal conditions are the leading contributor to disability worldwide. Musculoskeletal conditions significantly limit mobility and dexterity, leading to early retirement from work, lower levels of well-being and reduced ability to participate in society (World Health Organisation).

Your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist is trained to accurately diagnoses and treat the various muscular issues you may present with. Treatment for Muscular Pain/Dysfunction can include a combination of Massage/ Trigger point therapy, focused Spinal/Joint Manipulation, Exercises, Dry Needling (which is a western form of Acupuncture), and Specific Muscular Stretches.

Arthritic Pain

Osteoarthritis (commonly referred to as ‘Arthritis’/ ‘Wear and Tear’) is a Degenerative Joint Disease, and the result of Long Term or Strenuous use of our Joints. It mainly affects the Weight-Bearing Joints, and The Joints of the Wrist/Hand. This “general wear and tear” over a lifetime usually causes affected Joints to ‘stiffen’, and this loss of movement in a "worn out" Joint may cause inflammation and/or Nerve Irritation, leading to Pain.

Approximately 10 million people in the UK have Osteoarthritis (OA). Degeneration of your Joints is an irreversible process related to ageing, or strenuous use, but your Synergy Chiropractor/Sports Therapist can help improve the function of these Joints, thus reducing symptoms.

Many patients will also benefit from specific exercise programs, aimed at preserving as much function as possible, that your Chiropractor can provide.

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